Mini Genius Method - Service Agreement

1. Introduction

Welcome to the ‘mini Genius Method’

We specialise in preparing pupils for the 11 plus exam. This agreement outlines our terms and conditions.

2. Module Completion

Pupils must actively work through their assigned modules, essential for their 11 plus exam preparation. Our modules alone can prepare your child to sit 11 plus exams.

3. Class Attendance

Regular attendance in weekly classes is expected for optimal learning and progress.

4. Class Size and Interaction

At Mini Genius Method, we prioritise the quality of education and the learning experience of each pupil. To this end:

a) Class Size at Our Discretion: The number of pupils in each class is determined solely at our discretion. We do not intend to limit class sizes artificially, but rather aim to accommodate as many students as possible without compromising the quality of our instruction.

b) Management of Large Classes: In instances where class sizes are large, we reserve the right to mute microphones and/or turn off video feeds for participants. This measure is taken to ensure an optimal learning environment for the majority of pupils attending.

c) Focus on Learning and Teaching: Our primary objective is to deliver essential teaching effectively. Consequently, pupil interaction during the classes may be moderated. We encourage interaction only when it is deemed to benefit the collective learning experience.

d) Adaptability to Learning Needs: We continuously assess and adapt our teaching methods, including the level of pupil interaction, to best suit the learning needs of the class. This approach ensures that our teaching remains effective and responsive to the dynamics of each group.

5. Cancellation and Missed Classes

• Lessons cancelled due to holidays, emergencies or technical issues will not be rescheduled nor compensated for financially.

• Pupils are not required to notify us of their inability to attend a session.

• Mini Genius Method may cancel classes without prior notification.

6. Changes in Schedule

Class schedules, including timings, are subject to change without prior notice, supplementary to the main online modules. Occasionally we may offer extra classes or one-to-one teaching in addition to our normal timetable, but this is not guaranteed and is not an agreement in our fee/subscription structure and are referred to as ‘bonus’ classes if they are to occur from time-to-time at our discretion.

7. Pricing and Value

• Our services offer exceptional value, as our typical charge for one-to-one lessons is £60 or more per hour.

• Classes average between 5 to 9 hours per week.

8. Safeguarding and Data Protection

• We comply with UK GDPR regulations, ensuring the protection of personal data.

• Safeguarding policies are strictly enforced during Zoom sessions and on our website.

9. Conduct

Online bullying or abuse will not be tolerated, with immediate parental contact in such cases.

10. Additional Legal Considerations

• All activities comply with the relevant educational standards and online teaching regulations.

• We maintain a safe and supportive online environment, adhering to digital safety and cyberbullying prevention guidelines.

• Intellectual property rights of the materials provided are respected and protected.

11. Additional Online Regulations

Please refer to our website for detailed online learning regulations and advice.

Disclaimer: No Guarantee of Success

Though we aim to do our very best professionally as seasoned and experienced educators, please read the following:

The Mini Genius Method: We are committed to providing high-quality tutoring for the 11 plus exam, but wish to make it clear that there are inherent limitations to what our service can guarantee:

1. Variable Pupil Ability and Performance: Every child is unique, and their abilities and performance can vary widely. Therefore, we cannot guarantee any specific outcome in the 11 plus exam or improvement in school grades. This also relates to any educational or cognitive needs a pupil may have, diagnosed or undiagnosed. We do not give advice, offer diagnosis, offer opinions, or alter our curriculum to meet learning needs we do not professionally specialise in.

2. Class Attendance and Module Completion: Success in the 11 plus exam is influenced by consistent attendance in our online classes and the completion of assigned modules. However, these factors alone do not guarantee success.

3. Performance on Exam Day: Many factors can affect a pupil’s performance on the day of the exam, over which we have no control.

4. Limited Enrolment and School Choice: The 11 plus exam and admission to grammar schools are highly competitive, with many applicants for limited spots. Our services do not include arranging 11 plus tests or interviews.

5. Dependence on Highly Competitive Schools: We recognise that grammar schools are highly competitive and have extensive applicant pools. Our program is designed to prepare students as best as possible, but admission is not guaranteed.

6. Comprehensive but Not Exhaustive Coverage: We strive to cover a broad range of 11 plus question types. However, it is not possible to cover every variation of exams conducted by different private and grammar schools, which may include computerised adaptive testing or traditional paper-based methods. These methods change from year-to-year over hundreds of UK selective private and grammar schools.

7. Parental Responsibility: It is the responsibility of parents to research schools, understand their specific exam formats, and enrol their children in the school entry exams of their choice.

By enrolling your child in Mini Genius Method, you acknowledge these limitations. Our goal is to provide the best possible preparation, but ultimate success in exams and school admissions depends on a multitude of factors often beyond our control.

Enrolment in Mini Genius Method signifies agreement to these terms and conditions.